Apply for the 2023-24 Dance On OAC Cohort
Extended application deadline for Takoma Park residents only: September 17 Applicants will be notified by mid/late September. For questions email amandan@danceexhange.org.
What is Dance Exchange’s Dance On OAC Cohort?
Dance Exchange’s Dance On OAC Cohort is a paid creative workforce development program facilitated by Dance Exchange as part of our Dance On and Organizing with Artists for Change Programs. The Cohort program supports artists currently working with or interested in working with adults across the aging spectrum. By providing opportunities for professional development and collaborative facilitation, the Cohort program is an investment in artists as leaders at the intersection of aging and the arts.

Friends of Native Trees in Takoma
I met with Friends of Native Trees in Takoma members Lizz Kleemeier, Larry Lempert, and Larry Himelfarb last week. They are really hoping that everyone will take advantage of their publication, Takoma Park Native Tree Selection Guide." Please follow this link for their publication: https://fonttorg.files.wordpress.com/2022/08/abf2d-tkpk-native-tree-selection-guide.pdf
If you prefer a printed copy, they are available at the TPSS Co-op.
You may reach FONTT at friendsofnativetreesintakoma@gmail.com or learn more at their website: https://fontt.org/
Village of Takoma Park-- Presents Local Volunteer Opportunities for December and Beyond In the spirit of the Season, The Village of Takoma Park’s Program Committee has compiled information about some local non-profit organizations that provide direct help to folks in our community and rely on volunteer assistance. Please take a look and consider volunteering if you can. This list is in lieu of our usual monthly Aging Well program. We wish you all a happy and healthy December. Small Things Matter (STM) provides food (fresh produce, culturally appropriate foods, pantry staples), promotes literacy, and handcrafts items to serve our neighbors in need in Takoma Park and Silver Spring. We are looking for volunteers that can help us with our food rescue efforts, pack produce for delivery to local apartments and schools on Friday mornings from 7:30-9am at the TPSS Coop, and/or help at our community drive-up distributions on 1st and 3rd Fridays at the TP Seventh Day Adventist Church parking lot from 9-11:30am. We are also looking for volunteers to help us increase our fundraising capacity by soliciting donations via email/phone and planning fundraising events. Monetary donations for our programs are greatly appreciated. We are a volunteer run 501(c)3 nonprofit and 100% of every donation goes to serving those in need. To find out more about what we do please visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/thesmallthingsmatter and our website https://smallthingsmatter.org. Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) is a faith-based, non-profit, organization whose mission helps those less fortunate in our community.We need volunteers to bring Holiday cheer to our neighbors. For December there are 751 families who have requested a Holiday Basket. Please consider joining us in preparing the needed baskets on Sunday December 11 and again December 18 at the Center, 501 Sligo Ave SS, MD 20910, from 12-3ish. Distribution will be December 19 & 20. If you can help, please respond to Kenneth Flemmer at Flemmer@gmail.com Meals on Wheels of Takoma Park/Silver Spring (MOW). We deliver delicious prepared meals (1 hot and 1 cold each weekday) to our homebound neighbors who cannot get out to get groceries or prepare their own meals easily. Our clients include individuals with disabilities; people who are ill, recovering, or in medical treatment; and seniors and we serve regardless of age, on a sliding scale to all income levels. Volunteer Shifts – Kitchen assistant from 9-12 and 12:15-2; Delivery Drivers from 12-1:30 Call 301-434-1922 or visit www.mowtakoma.org to learn more. Our team has a great time together! The Takoma Park Holiday 2022 Toy Drive The Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department and the Takoma Park Police Department are teaming up again for the annual toy drive. Donations are appreciated in the form of a new and unwrapped toy or gift cards. Toys/gift cards can be dropped off at: Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department, 7201 Carroll Avenue, TP Takoma Park Police Department, 7500 Maple Avenue, TP The toy drive will continue until December 20, 2022. Tommy’s Pantry A service organization established in memory of Tommy Raskin, Tommy’s Pantry partners with several other local organizations to distribute shelf-stable foods, fresh produce, and healthcare/hygiene products (common necessities that families cannot purchase with food stamps). Tommy’s Pantry distributes approximately 1,000 boxes monthly to local families experiencing hardship. For more information or to support Tommy’s Pantry by volunteering or donating: Website: https://tommyspantry.org/ Contact email: tommyspantry@gmail.com Mailing address: Church of the Ascension, Attn: Sarah Goupell, Tommy's Pantry Secretary, 633 Sligo Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Shepherd’s Table provides daily meals and a host of social services to improve quality of life, create a pathway towards self-sufficiency, and inspire hope for the most vulnerable in our community. We serve three professionally cooked, nutritious meals a day on weekdays and two meals a day on weekends at our building in Silver Spring, and additionally distribute dinners off-site on weeknights. We have a Resource Center providing basic toiletries, mailing addresses, and referrals, a Clothing Closet, a free Eye Clinic, and an Urban Garden where we grow produce and lead classes for our clients. We are in need of volunteers every day of the week to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so there’s a day and shift to accommodate any schedule. Most pressingly, we routinely need additional volunteers for Thursday and Friday night dinner shifts. It’s easy to get started and we welcome both individuals and groups! If your group or organization is interested in sponsoring a Bright Meal, you can fund the cost of the meal, help select the menu, and serve the meal together as a team! Visit shepherdstable.org or email info@shepherdstable.org for more information. Donations allow us to keep our dues affordable while fulfilling our mission. If you can help, please send a check, large or small, payable to Village of Takoma Park to PO Box 11420, Takoma Park, MD 20913. Or donate online via our secure site by clicking below. Many thanks to those of you who have already given. https://www.villageoftakomapark.com/content.aspx?page_id=305&club_id=799577&item_id=3874 Village of Takoma Park PO Box 11420, Takoma Park, MD 20913 villageoftakomapark.com villageoftp@gmail.com 301-646-2109 Helping neighbors age in community

Site Paid for and Maintained by Shana Fulcher