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City Council Meeting–May 15th at 7:30pm

Good Afternoon,

I hope that everyone is enjoying the freshness of spring. I missed last week’s meeting due to a family emergency.

This Wednesday:


I will vote in support of the FY Tax Rates, Stormwater Management Budget, and Budget. I am pleased with all the work that the City and Council did to arrive at the budget and tax rate that will be approved for FY 2024.

Members of the City Council are interested in reviewing: policies which regulate how often we replace equipment and perform large scale road maintenance, the fees the City charges for various permits, vacant property taxes, and other possible revenues outside of residential taxes. The items were all also commented on by many residents during the budget process. This resolution will formalize our intent to review these items. I will vote in favor of it.


The Council has prioritized our city becoming less reliant on fossil fuels. The intention of developing the Maple Avenue Connectivity Project is to create an area where pedestrians and cyclists are safer traveling and a space where they experience more satisfaction in traveling. This is only a preliminary step where Rummell, Klepper, & Kahl will create a design based on input they receive from the community.

There are concerns from councilmembers about the impact of the project on residents of the apartments on northern Maple Avenue and how the project will affect their parking. I know that we are all dedicated to ensuring that those residents’ concerns are heard and taken into account in the Maple Avenue Connectivity Project.

The Council will review the grants approved by the City’s Grant Review Committee. These grants all require a matching dollar-for-dollar contribution and will advance a wide variety of programs, including a food forest at Takoma Park Elementary School.


Ann Ceikot will attend this City Council meeting to provide a summary of this year’s legislative session and for us to discuss possible priorities that we will support for next year. Being that the City has exhausted locations for redlight and speed cameras, I am interested in supporting the legislation that did not pass this year proposed by Delegate Charkoudian, that would have allowed the use of Stop sign cameras. The cameras that we have placed throughout the City for speed and redlight enforcement have been successful in reducing those traffic infractions and at producing revenue for the City.

In an effort to be more efficient, the City’s IT and HCD Departments have recommended that we acquire new software to manage the myriad of items that HCD is tracking. This cost has been budgeted for in FY 2024.

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