Hi, I'm Shana
As a teenager, Shana aspired to live in Takoma Park as she viewed the City as an extremely cool place where people, often artists, didn't just embrace their liberalism but flaunted it. She first moved to Takoma Park in 2000, and to Ward 1 in 2009, where she lives with her husband, and three children who attend public schools, and, most recently, her fourth now at college. Shana feels fortunate to walk from her home to schools, public transportation, businesses, and a college, but misses the diversity among neighbors that she experienced while growing up as single parents and new immigrant families do not live on her block. Shana believes that with greater density, Takoma Park can move toward being the diverse, inclusive City that reflects our values and to achieve both our City’s shared goal with the nation to create environmentally sustainable cities.
Shana has a deep understanding and appreciation of the stability, security, and social standing homeownership programs provide to families because her single mom bought their first home through one. Shana is committed to positioning Takoma Park residents to experience the benefits that homeownership brings.
Shana’s history as a leader and consensus-builder extends at least as far back as High-School when she served as Secretary of her Class and as a peer-mediator, and has continued throughout her life. Her consensus-building skills are underpinned by her experiences at MaryPIRG and FEMA where she helped disaster victims, and as PTA President, Leader of two Girl Scout Troops, GS Service Unit Leader, and Director of Camp Tuckerman. Also, her steady commitment to helping and empowering people to live their best lives is widely recognized, including by the PTA, Girl Scouts, Takoma Park Recreation and Community Engagement Committee that she co-chaired, and Let’s Play America. Her formal honors include awards and nominations; she especially values being a recipient of the Girl Scouts’ highest award, the Thanks Badge, and her many nominations for the Azalea Award.
Shana always wants to “leave a place better than you found it.” She is excited about the work she has done as Councilmember for Ward 1 since November 2022, and is proud to be part of the team that is the Council. She enjoys supporting and having support from Councilmembers, not because they agree all the time but because they hear each other and find compromise to move forward to better their City. In addition to representing Ward 1 on the Council role, Shana represents the City on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Transportation Planning Board and the Maryland Municipal League Montgomery County Chapter Board in order to better connect with others in the region and to work collaboratively on the priorities they share.
Shana earned a B.A. in Government and Politics and a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of Maryland. She strives to improve her Spanish speaking skills. She notes that her mother worked hard to move her into Montgomery County to secure her future via its exceptional educational system. She also gives a big nod of thanks to Montgomery College for providing her political science courses that placed her on her current pathway.

Site Paid for and Maintained by Shana Fulcher